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Results for search "Parenting".

30 Aug

Making Up for Lost Sleep on the Weekend May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

A new study finds sleep-deprived adults who get the most catch-up sleep on the weekend are 20% less likely to develop heart disease.

26 Aug

There Are Many Types of Love, But One Fires Up Your Brain a Lot More than Others

Researchers used functional MRI to measure brain activity for different types of love from parental love to sexual adoration.

Health News Results - 622

Pulling your hair out in frustration with your finicky youngster?

Don’t blame your parenting style -- genetics likely played a huge role in their eating habits, a new twins study FINDs.

Fussy eating is mainly influenced by genes, according to findings published Sept. 19 in the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry<...

Each year, an average of 174 U.S. kids under the age of 5 lose their lives over causes linked to nursery products.

Many of these tragedies could be prevented, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on Thursday issued a list of products deemed most hazardous.

Leading the list by far: Any soft bedding added into cribs, bassinets and playpens. These products alone were part ...

The corner bodega or neighborhood Kwik-E-Mart could be fueling childhood obesity in the United States, a new study suggests.

Children have a more than 50% increased chance of obesity if they live in a place without ready access to full-fledged grocery stores stocked with fresh and

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 18, 2024
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  • Deprivation, neglect and abuse during childhood can increase a person’s long-term risk of health problems, a new study warns.

    “Stress is implicated in nine of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States today,” said senior researcher Dr. George Slavich, director of the UCLA Laboratory for S...

    Many parents worry that their kids aren’t popular enough, or that they aren’t making the right friends, a new survey finds.

    About 1 in 5 parents say their child aged 6 to 12 has no friends or not enough friends, according to the results of the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 16, 2024
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  • It’s natural for a parent to want to protect their children and keep them from harm.

    But sometimes this understandable desire crosses over into “helicopter parenting,” an overbearing need to be part of a child’s every decision and dilemma.

    “A helicopter parent is often fueled by anxiety, and that anxiety can come in different flavors: anxiety for their ...

    Meddling moms who try to prohibit their kids’ friendships with troublemakers will only make things worse, a new study says.

    Limiting contact with a friend who appears to be a bad influence tends to exacerbate the behavior problems parents were hoping to head off, researchers reported recently in the Jour...

    Saltwater nose drops can reduce the length of a kid’s cold by two days, a new study demonstrates.

    “We found that children using saltwater nose drops had cold symptoms for an average of six days, where those with usual care had symptoms for eight days,” said researcher

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 6, 2024
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  • Backpacks. Notebooks. Folders. Pencils. These are all essentials for a good start to your children's school year, but what about their nutrition?

    As summer ends and kids return to classrooms, one culinary medicine expert offers up easy ways to help your children eat healthy foods during the school day.

    School lunches have gotten healthier since last April, when the U.S. Department o...

    Jillian Davis was pleased to be gifted a car seat during her pregnancy, from a family member who bought it online from a major retailer.

    But following the delivery of her daughter in late June, a car seat tech at her Salt Lake City hospital informed her that the seat was an unsafe counterfeit.

    “It’s completely shocking because this is my fourth child and I’ve never...

    Classroom cellphone bans should help improve learning environments in schools, a child development expert says.

    Keeping the devices out of classrooms would help focus attention, improve problem-solving and -- by allowing kids to occasionally lapse into boredom -- spur creativity, says Jon Piacentini, a child and adolescent...

    Almost half of American parents surveyed say they face "overwhelming" levels of stress on a daily basis, and in an advisory issued on Wednesday U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy called parental stress an urgent public health issue.


    A child's intelligence is not the sole key to academic success, a new British study concludes.

    Instead, intelligence plus "non-cognitive" factors, such as a determination to excel despite obstacles and an innate love of learning, can push a child to the top of the class, new genetic data shows.

    "Our research challenges the long-held assumption that intelligence is the primary driver...

    Troubled transgender students are more likely to turn to school staff than their own parents for support, a new study finds.

    Trans teens feeling depressed and anxious are 74% less likely to seek help from parents than from adults at school, compared to ci...

    When you have a young child, you can wind up spending most of your time changing diapers and feeding them, but one expert suggests that socialization is also important for your child's future well-being.

    From an early age, socialization can help hone their communication skills and foster companionship and empathy. Relationships teach young children about perspective, taking turns and mean...

    You've noticed your young child complains of headaches and rubs their eyes a lot. Does that mean it's time to get glasses?

    It could, says a Baylor College of Medicine expert, and noticing these signs early is critical for young children because their schoolwork could suffer or they could lose their vision completely.

    “There is a period -- approximately the first eight years of...

    AI can help predict which young kids are more likely to develop autism, a new study says.

    The AI looks for patterns in medical data that can be easily obtained from children 2 or younger without extensive assessments or clinical tests, researchers said.

    The “AutMedAI” program was able to identify about 80% of children with autism, when tested using data from a group of 1...

    A child at the dinner table talks about trouble at school or an argument with a friend, but parents aren't listening: They're checking their smartphones instead.

    It's a scenario that plays out millions of times per day across America, and it could be harming the mental health of children, a new study suggests.

    Kids ages 9 to 11 who said their parents spent way too much on their smar...

    Parents are worried that social media and technology will get in the way of schoolkids building meaningful connections with classmates and teachers during the upcoming school year, a new poll finds.

    Half of parents (50%) say too much time spent with technology will be their kids’ top challenge in forming positive connections with those around them, say national poll results from the...

    Back-to-school can feel like a rushed jumble, as kids leave behind summer fun for the next step in their education.

    But there are specific ways parents can help students show up sharper, get young athletes ready to compete, and have anxious kids settled down and ready to learn, experts say.

    Prioritize sleep

    Kids will have a good start to the school year if the...

    Regular bedtimes won't just help your child be alert for a busy school day; they might also help keep them from abusing drugs or alcohol as a teen, new research suggests.

    Youth who'd had early bedtimes in childhood and adolescence were significantly less likely to be drinking or using marijuana by the time they were 15, compared to kids who'd stayed up late and had fewer hours sleep, rese...

    Want to be a better, more effective mom or dad? Trying sharing a good laugh with your kid.

    New research among folks ages 18 to 45 found many citing humor as one of the reasons they had, and continue to have, a positive relationship with their parents.

    “My hope is that people can learn to use humor as an effective parenting tool, not only to diffuse tension but develop resilien...

    Kids more often get the psychiatric care they need if they live in states that mandate insurance coverage for child mental health care, a new study confirms.

    Parents and caregivers were 20% less likely to say they'd had trouble getting mental health services for a child if they lived in states with comprehensive laws around mental and behavioral health insurance coverage, reported a team ...

    Using tablets as 'e-babysitters' for toddlers could lead to more tantrums, which in turn can have harried parents trying to calm a child by handing them a tablet, new research shows.

    This type of "vicious cycle" played out during the early years of many of the Canadian youngsters tracked in the study.

    The bottom line, according to the researchers: "Tablet use in early childhood can ...

    In findings that suggest more young Americans struggling with mental health issues are getting the help they need, a new poll shows that nearly a third of American adolescents and teens received some sort of mental health treatment in 2023.

    That translates to over 8 million young people between the ages of 12 and 17 getting counseling, medication or another treatment, the

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 31, 2024
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  • The kids are not alright.

    New data shows a troubling 8% annual increase in the number of American children ages 8 to 12 who died by suicide, with the sharpest increase seen among girls.

    Suicide has now become the fifth leading cause of death among both male and female preteens, report a team led by ...

    Surgery is being overused to correct breastfeeding difficulties in infants, a new report says.

    A growing number of newborns are being diagnosed with ankyloglossia, also called “tongue-tie.”

    Tongue-tie restricts the tongue’s range of motion in a baby. An unusually short or tight band of tissue holds the tip of their tongue close to the bottom of their mouth, making...

    The virus responsible for COVID-19 is widespread among wildlife, a new study finds.

    SARS-CoV-2 was detected in six common backyard species, including deer mice, opossums, raccoons, groundhogs, cottontail rabbits and red bats, researchers reported July 29 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 29, 2024
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  • Peak asthma month is upon parents as summer draws to a close, experts warn.

    “September is known as Asthma Peak Month because kids have returned to school, and viruses are being passed around,” said allergist Dr. Gailen Marshall, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunol...

    Turning off smartphones is an important step in making sure tweens get the sleep they need, a new study says.

    Leaving a phone ringer on is associated with a 25% higher risk of sleep disturbance among tweens ages 11 and 12, according to a new report published July 22 in the

    For the first time in two decades, the infant mortality rate in the United States has risen, new government data shows.

    In a report released Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found that more than 20,500 babies died in 2022 before the age of 1. Overall, there were 5.6 ...

    As millions of American teens continue to struggle with their mental health, a new survey reveals a sizable gap between how much support teens say they get and how much support their parents think they are getting.

    In the report, published Tuesday by the National Center for Health Statistics, just over a quarter of teens said t...

    When your preschooler pitches a fit, handing them a smartphone or tablet is probably the fastest -- and the worst -- way to stop it, a new study suggests.

    "If parents regularly offer a digital device to their child to calm them or to stop a tantrum, the child won't learn to regulate their emotions," said first author Veronika Konok...

    Tending to a teething baby is tough: Parents want to help, but might not be sure how.

    Teething typically begins around 4 to 7 months of age, as the 20 or so "baby teeth" that will emerge by the age of 3 begin to form.

    The usual signs of teething include "mild irritability, a low-grade fever, drooling and an urge to chew something hard," the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in...

    Youth sports are important for the development of children and teenagers, but there's no sure way to ensure a youngster doesn't get hurt while competing.

    That's why it's important for parents to spot and appropriately respond to their children's sports injuries, Dr. Eileen Crawford, an orthopedic surgeon with ...

    Mothers tend to speak less to infants when they're on their smartphones, a new study finds.

    Moms talked 16% less to their babies when they were fiddling with their phone, researchers found.

    Shorter 1- to 2-minute intervals of phone use interfered with mom-baby interaction even more, decreasing a mother's baby talk by 26%.

    "Our advice to new parents is to be cognizant of the im...

    Nearly 1 in 4 parents struggle to get their child to sleep, a new poll reports.

    Some of this is related to poor sleep hygiene, but some also is due to dark worries harbored by the kids, researchers report.

    Parents of sleepless children are less likely to have a bedtime routine, more likel...

    In half of American homes containing a loaded gun, that gun is kept unsecured and ready for potential use, often with children in the home, new research shows.

    The finding is especially troubling given the link between gun accessibility and accidental child deaths, as well as rising rates of gun-related suicides in the United States, researchers said.

    "The presence of a firearm in t...

    If your child is among the youngest in their school grade, it's more likely they'll be mistakenly identified by teachers as having ADHD or autism, a new study confirms.

    "Adults involved in identifying or raising concerns over a child's behavior -- such as parents and teachers -- may be inadverte...

    Teenagers who are part of close-knit neighborhoods and families are less likely to have sex at a young age, a new study has found.

    On the other hand, teens' schools have less influence on their sexual behavior, researchers report.

    "Our results echo other studies' findings on the importance of families and neighborhoods in protecting youth from risky behaviors, and show that feeling ...

    Parents frustrated with kids who are seemingly glued to their phones, take heart: New research finds you can tear them away from their devices.

    Two approaches seem to work best: Limiting screens during meals or bedtime, and modeling good screen behaviors yourself, according to a team from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

    "These results are heartening because they ...

    As an epidemic of drug abuse cuts it way through America, none are left unharmed, even the very young.

    New data finds that the rate of infants dying from drug-related reasons more than doubled between 2018 and 2022.

    In 2018, 10.8% of all deaths to babies under 1 year of age were linked to drugs. Four years later that had risen by 120%, to 24.4% of fatalities, according to research...

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning parents about a goat milk infant formula potentially tainted with a bacterium that's very dangerous to babies.

    Crecelac brand formula, already under recall since May 24, could contain Cronobacter, which "can cause bloodstream and central nervous system infections, such as sepsis and meningitis" in infants, the FDA warned in

    In just one year, U.S. deaths linked to the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) jumped by a third, according to the latest report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

    With another summer set to begi...

    Does advising your teen sometimes feel like talking to the proverbial brick wall?

    Don't fret: New research shows that even when your preteen or teen gives your advice a flat "no way," your counsel is probably having an impact.

    It may simply be tucked away by your child, ready for use another day.

    "The kids are at an age where they're maturing and wanting to make their own de...

    A mom or dad who vapes at home might be setting their child up for eczema, new research suggests.

    In a study involving data from over 35,000 U.S. households, children with a parent who used e-cigarettes had a 24% higher odds for eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) than kids with two non-vapi...

    TikTok is full of fun memes, pranks, dances and challenges -- and illicit vaping product sales targeting teenagers, a new study reports.

    Advertising and sales of vaping products is common on the video-sharing platform, according to findings published May 23 in the journ...

    Doctors have long known that excessive marijuana use can trigger psychosis, especially in the young. But new research suggests the link is stronger that ever imagined before.

    Teens who use cannabis face 11 times the odds for a psychotic episode compared to teens who abstain from the drug, new Canadian research contends.

    The teen years may be an especially vulnerable time in this re...

    Many teens are spending their days buzzed on caffeine, with their parents mostly unaware of the potential risks, a new national poll says.

    A quarter of parents reported that caffeine is basically part of their teen's daily life, according to the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health released Monday.

    Two out of three parents sa...

    Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or smoking or both, new research shows.

    The study is based on a survey of almost 11,000 young British people ages 10 to 25 who were tracked from 2015 through 2021.

    Overall, 8.5% said they currently smoked, 2.5% said they vaped and about 1% did both.

    How much ti...

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