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Results for search "Asthma".

13 Jul

The 6 Most Common Causes of Asthma

What’s your risk of developing asthma? Your family history, job, and lifestyle all impact your odds. Here are the top triggers from the American Lung Association.

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Improved inhalers are now available to help control asthma and treat sudden attacks, but a new study shows that hardly anyone's using them.

The new inhalers combine inflammation-fighting corticosteroids with a long-acting drug called formoterol that opens up the airways, researchers report.

These combo...

Heat waves and heat domes are particularly dangerous to kids with asthma, a new study finds.

Daytime heat waves are associated with 19% increased odds that a child with asthma will wind up in the hospital, researchers discovered.

What's more, heat waves that stretch for days double a kid's risk of bein...

People with asthma who vape tend to develop the respiratory disease earlier in life than folks who never vaped, new research shows.

Overall, asthmatic adults who said they'd vaped over the past month were over three times as likely to have developed asthma relatively early in life (before the age of 27) com...

People in homes with gas or propane stoves regularly breathe in unhealthy levels of nitrogen dioxide, a new study says.

Typical use of these stoves increases exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) by an estimated 4 parts per billion, averaged over a year, researchers report.

That's three-quarters of the way to the NO2 exposure level deemed unsafe in outdoor air by the World Health ...

There's no evidence that a COVID infection increases the risk of asthma in children, the first study to date on the subject finds.

“We knew from a number of really nice studies over the last decade or more that respiratory viral infections are a risk factor for the development of asthma in children,” said senior study author Dr. Davi...

Preparing a kid for summer camp is already a daunting task, and it's even more complicated if your child has allergies or asthma, experts say.

“Kids with allergies and asthma need an extra layer of protection when they head off to summer camp,” said allergist Dr. Gailen Marshall Jr., president of the Am...

A protein that shuts down immune cells in the lungs could be key to a new treatment for asthma attacks, a new report says.

The naturally occurring protein, called Piezo1, prevents a type of immune cell called type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) from becoming hyperactivated by allergens.

An expe...

Planting trees and bushes near busy highways helps clear the air of harmful air pollutants from motor vehicles, new research affirms.

"They provide benefits that go beyond aesthetics," Roby Greenwald, an associate professor of public health at Georgia State University in Atlanta, said in a university news release.


There's a toxic stew of chemicals in polluted air that can all trigger asthma attacks in kids, new research shows.

Also, where a child lives -- for example, near factories or highways -- greatly influences how much they're exposed to these toxins, reports a team from Washington State University in Spokane.

“It's not just one pollutant that can be linked to

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 14, 2024
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  • Air pollution harms the health of everyone exposed to it, but a new study says communities of color are disproportionately harmed by dirty air.

    Smog causes nearly 8 times higher childhood asthma rates and 1.3 times higher risk of premature death among minority communities compared to white communities, researchers found.

    These elevated risks are a matter of geography, said study co-...

    If all cars and trucks sold in America were "zero emission" by 2040 and the country's electric grid was also powered by clean energy, nearly 2.8 million child asthma attacks would be prevented annually, a new report finds.

    The American Lung Association (ALA) report also estimates that with cleaner air, 508 infant lives ...

    A popular asthma inhaler was discontinued on Jan. 1, and the business move has left families scrambling to find a replacement for their kids.

    Flovent was one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for childhood asthma, but maker GSK took it off shelves to replace it with a generic version, fluticasone.

    The problem is that many insurance companies haven't added fluticasone to their li...

    • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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    • February 21, 2024
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    People threatened by accidental exposure to foods they're allergic to may have a new weapon of defense: On Friday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the use of the asthma drug Xolair to help prevent anaphylactic reactions.

    Xolair (omalizumab) is an injected drug and is not meant as a substitute for EpiPens or other anaphylaxis rescue remedies, the agency stressed.


    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it is cracking down on air pollution.

    Specifically, the agency introduced a tougher air quality standard that takes aim at fine particulate matter -- the tiny bits of pollution that can penetrate the lungs -- by lowering the allowable annual concentration of the deadly pollutant that each state can have.

    “This final air q...

    Deaths related to ozone air pollution will rise significantly around the world during the next two decades due to climate change, a new study warns.

    Cities in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa can expect to see ozone-related deaths increase by as many as 6,200 fatalities a year by 2054 unless humans rein in global warming, researchers project.

    “This paper is furthe...

    Marijuana has a reputation for being harmless, but frequent tokers are more likely to suffer from asthma, a new study shows.

    Asthma is more common among U.S. adults who've used weed within the past 30 days, researchers reported recently in the journal Preventive Medicine.

    Further, the odds...

    The American Lung Association's annual report on smoking blasts President Joe Biden for failing to finalize rules that would end the sale of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars.

    Last month, the Biden administration announced it was delaying until March a ban on menthol cigarettes that has been in the works for years.

    In response, the lung association's “State of Tobacco Control...

    Fetal exposure to opioids may change a baby's immune system, triggering a rise in risks for eczema and asthma through early childhood, new research shows.

    Children born to women who used opioids during pregnancy had much higher rates of eczema, as well as conditions such as "diaper rash," during infancy, Australian researchers report.

    These children also went on to have significantl...

    An American's income and ethnicity could play a role in how clean the air is that they breathe, a new study finds.

    Air pollution emissions have fallen more in wealthier areas, and less in areas with larger Hispanic or American Indian populations.

    Overall, U.S. air pollution emissions have decreased substantially, but the magnitude of the change varies based on demographics, the rese...

    Drugs already used by millions to lower cholesterol might someday have a new role: Relieving asthma and COPD.

    That's the hope of a new line of research underway at the University of California, Davis.

    A study funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health is seeking to determine whether a "statin inhaler" might reduce the airway inflammation that makes breathing difficult for folk...

    A popular asthma inhaler is being discontinued Jan. 1, fueling concerns that patients may have trouble getting insurance coverage for alternatives.

    GSK, maker of the branded inhaler Flovent, will make "an authorized generic" version of the drug, but without the same branding.

    While doctors say it will work just as well, it doesn't app...

    • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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    • December 29, 2023
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    Kids are home for the holidays, but the wonders of the season can pose problems for children with asthma.

    Sources of joy like Christmas trees, a Yule log burning or Grandma's pet dog can all be unexpected asthma triggers, warns the American Lung Association.

    Parents should talk with their kid's doctor about creating an asthma action plan based on their plans for the holidays, the AL...

    • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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    • December 21, 2023
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    If you're one of the 50 million Americans with asthma or allergies, 2024 is another year to redouble efforts to manage them.

    But how?

    “It's not always easy to get allergies and asthma under control,” allergist Dr. Gailen Marshall, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunol...

    Biologic drugs to treat asthma have been around for two decades, but a surprising number of family doctors still aren't prescribing them to kids and adults.

    A new survey found that more than two in five primary care docs (42%) are unfamiliar with asthma biologics, according to findings presented at this month's American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology annual meeting in Anaheim, ...

    • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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    • November 21, 2023
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    A young woman working at a Massachusetts cannabis-processing facility who developed new-onset asthma and later died of a fatal asthma attack is the first such fatality in the burgeoning industry, a new report finds.

    Researchers believe large amounts of allergen-laden dust created at these facilities could pose real respiratory dangers to workers.

    When it comes to asthma and the dang...

    New research underscores the harms of e-cigarettes, showing that vaping increases the risk of asthma in teens who have never smoked cigarettes.

    Although e-cigarettes have fewer toxins than regular cigarettes, they still contain a mixture of harmful chemicals and raise the risk of respiratory diseases, researchers say.

    “Increasing knowledge about the harmful effects of e-cigarette ...

    When Canadian wildfire smoke shrouded the New York City skyline and spread to parts of New England this summer, millions of East Coast residents saw firsthand just how pervasive it can be.

    Now, a new study quantifies exactly what wildfire smoke is doing to hard-fought gains in cleaning up the air, even in Eastern states not typically affected by wildfires.

    “Since 2000, there's bee...

    Certain combinations of bacteria found in dust in children's day care settings may have an impact on their young lungs.

    Researchers are trying to understand whether attending day care can affect children's lung health. Their aim is to lower the risk of asthma.

    “We find mixtures of different bacteria and other microbes living everywhere — outside, inside our homes, on our skin a...

    Babies who have more mature microbes in their gut are less likely to have allergy-related wheezing and asthma in early childhood, according to new research.

    Our studies on the Barwon Infant Study showed that a more mature infant gut microbiota at one year of a...

    Smoking may not only harm the smoker and those who breathe in the secondhand fumes, but also their future children.

    New research suggests that boys who smoke in their early teens risk passing on harmful genetic traits to future children. The study probed the genetic profi...

    When factoring in why children get asthma, a child's neighborhood may be important to consider.

    New research finds that living in a neighborhood during early childhood that has better access to resources was associated with lower asthma incidence. Better resourc...

    Smoke from Canadian wildfires sent high numbers of people suffering from asthma attacks to America's emergency rooms this spring and summer, according to two new reports.

    From April 30 to August 4, 2023, smoke from out-of-control wildfires in Canada increased emergency room visits for asthma by 17% over average, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...

    Living through days of smoky air from Canadian wildfires in June was unpleasant for New York City residents, but new data shows it wasn't as immediately concerning for their lungs as feared.

    The research finds breathing-related hospital visits weren't much worse in the city on these days than when pollen is especially high, though longer-term impacts aren't so clear.

    “Thankfully, ...

    Research into a possible link between childhood health problems and natural gas wells in western Pennsylvania is wrapping up with some answers.

    Children who lived near these wells were more likely to develop rare lymphoma, the research found.

    In addition, residents of all ages near the wells had increased risk of severe asthma reactions, the Associated Press reported.

    Heading back to school requires supplies and planning for all, but if you're a parent of a child with allergies or asthma then you have even more to consider.

    “The start of a new school year is exciting for some, but for parents of children with allergies and asthma, their thoughts are probably on keeping their child free from triggers that can cause allergic reactions,” said allergis...

    It may not get the publicity of some better-known vitamins like D, but vitamin K -- found in leafy green vegetables -- may boost lung health.

    A new, large study -- published Aug. 10 in ERJ Open Research -- suggests that people who have low levels of this vitamin also have less healthy lungs. They are more likely to report having asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD...

    Whether your child attends a year-round school or one on a traditional calendar, parents can take steps to make classroom reentry healthier for kids with asthma.

    Asthma causes an estimated 13.8 million missed school days each year, according to the Respiratory Health Association. That's more than any other chronic illness.

    Having an inhaler on hand at school is one important step fo...

    As you stare down your freshman year of college and contemplate living away from home, you're probably facing a few “firsts”: First roommate who isn't a sibling; first time fending for yourself to make sure you're eating properly; and if you have nasal allergies, food allergies or asthma, this could be the first time you're in charge of keeping your symptoms under control.

    Your health...

    As outdoor gatherings begin for the Fourth of July holiday, a leading asthma and allergy group is offering suggestions on how to avoid those seasonal symptoms.

    “The Fourth of July is a great time to gather with friends and family and celebrate summer,” said Dr. Kathleen May, president of t...

    FRIDAY, June 9, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Raging Canadian wildfires are still darkening the skies of American cities, and while the dirty air is a hazard for everyone, that's especially true for folks with asthma.

    In a statement released this week, experts at the Ame...

    Large, uncontrolled wildfires in Nova Scotia are creating unhealthy air in the Northeast region of the United States, including parts of Connecticut.

    This significant smoke plume is likely to cause elevated levels of fine particulate matter, the American Lung Association warned in its alert. Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can ...

    Kids whose families left distressed neighborhoods had significantly fewer severe asthma attacks, with improvements greater even than those seen with medication.

    New research found that children whose families participated in a program that enabled them to move to areas with less poverty, and better schools and parks had about 50% fewer severe attacks.

    After moving, there were about ...

    Receiving a diagnosis of asthma may be frightening, but learning what the treatment options are can help alleviate the anxiety that comes with diagnosis.

    Depending on the severity, certain asthma medications may help you manage your symptoms. Here, experts break down the most common long-term and quick-acting medications for asthma, how they work and potential side effects.

    Asthma can be a tough disease to control, but to control it you first need to know if you have it.

    A chronic condition, there are telltale symptoms that crop up when an asthma attack strikes and knowing what those are could help you avoid a life-threatening emergency.

    According to the most recent data from the

    An asthma attack can literally leave you gasping for breath, so having treatments that relax your airways is critical.

    Asthma strikes nearly 8% of Americans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so if you have asthma, you are not alone. A chronic condition, asthma oc...

    • Miriam Jones Bradley, RN HealthDay Reporter
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    • May 11, 2023
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    Understanding what causes asthma can help you better manage its causes and triggers.

    Whether you, your child or another loved one has asthma, you can feel more in control by knowing your options for reducing asthma symptoms and managing its underlying causes.

    What is asthma?

    Asthma is a chronic condition that causes swelling and inflammation in the airway tis...

    Children are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, a new report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows.

    Climate change can affect learning, physical health and housing security, which can last throughout the child's life, according to the report.

    “Understanding health risks to children is critical for developing effective and equitable strategie...

    Kids who were infected with respiratory syncytial virus, better known as RSV, in their first year may be at greater risk for asthma, according to researchers.

    Their new study looked at the effects of RSV infections of different severities on childhood asthma risk.


    Nearly one-third of Americans live in counties with unhealthy air, according to a new report from the American Lung Association.

    One in three, or 120 million, people lives with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution, the “State of the Air” report says.

    While air quality has improved overall, there are major differences between Eastern and Western states and in air poll...

    Summer is almost here, and its arrival brings opportunities for many people -- including those who suffer with allergies and asthma — to plan vacations away from home.

    A recent article titled “Allergies don't take a vacation” in Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology encourages those ...

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